July 7, 2022 enters the dates to remember in the mental history for a memorable experience that presented something incredible. The vertical of Redigaffi from 1994 to 2019 showed a very high level of quality from the first wine produced to the last tasted.

Strongly desired by the Pinchiorri wine shop, Rita, owner of the company purchased in 1984 together with her husband Virgilio, tells us, Redigaffi was born as a project of only two barriques that are subtracted from the most famous blend already produced in the company, the Giusto di Notri. Never was a wiser choice, the creation of a myth was written …

The complete article by Raffaele Vecchione: https://www.winescritic.com/redigraffi-amazing-verticals-from-1994-to-2019-the-pure-merlot-excites-everyone-including-the-family/?lang=en